For the moment (16th Oct 2020) the PAS L2 data caveats are as follows:
3D velocity distribution function and 1D differential energy flux could be a little bit unstable inside the energy range [300 - 400] eV. The geometrical factor of the instrument is decreasing for these energies and a statistical count noise can cause perturbed VDF values.
3D velocity distribution function and 1D differential energy flux could be irrelevant for the energies below 300 eV. The geometrical factor of the instrument is very small here and it cannot be determined with sufficient accuracy.
A sporadic very low “ghost values” can appear in the extreme Elevation and Azimuthal angles in VDF (see Figure 6).
Ground calculated density and pressure tensor could be a little bit perturbed inside the solar wind velocity range [260 - 380] km/s.
Ground calculated density and pressure tensor are irrelevant for the solar wind velocity below 260 km/s.